480: RBG

On this week’s episode of the Unnatural Selection Podcast we discuss a bunch of stuff:

  • Covid cases in Victoria are down!
  • Lots of deeply upsetting non-corona content!
  • The LNP and their disappointing half-measure on climate change.
  • Say ‘energy policy’ and the knives come out in the LNP party meeting.
  • The very depressing story out of an ICE detention centre in Georgia.
  • The US immigration Ice hysterectomy allegations in line with US’s long and racist history of eugenics.
  • Guatemala syphilis experiments.
  • Tuskegee Syphilis Study.
  • RBG has passed away at 87, a judicial and femminist giant.
  • The political situation with the presidential election of 2020 and supreme court appointments.

The Unnatural Selection podcast is produced by Jorge Tsipos, Adam Direen and Tom Heath. Visit the Unnatural Selection website at www.UnnaturalShow.com for stuff and things.

The views expressed are those of the hosts and their guests and do not reflect those of any other entities. Unnatural Selection is a show made for comedic purposes and should not be taken seriously by anyone.










479: Wet Ass Premier

On this week’s episode of the Unnatural Selection Podcast we discuss a bunch of stuff:

  • Wet Arse Pussy.
  • Dan Andrews announces the roadmap out of coronavirus has… some critics.
  • If you want to get out of the lockdown faster, then BEHAVE.
  • Government is hard – bureaucracies aren’t meant to respond in an agile fashion.
  • You gotta love all these morons acting like they could’ve done a better job on the COVID-19 response.
  • Never attribute to malice what you can attribute to incompetence.
  • The Ballarat protest was a bit of a fizzer in the end, thank Christ.
  • The new trend towards smart metres that could have your personal data end up in unexpected places. 
  • The need for legislation that allows us to control our data – one day may be too late.

The Unnatural Selection podcast is produced by Jorge Tsipos, Adam Direen and Tom Heath. Visit the Unnatural Selection website at www.UnnaturalShow.com for stuff and things.

The views expressed are those of the hosts and their guests and do not reflect those of any other entities. Unnatural Selection is a show made for comedic purposes and should not be taken seriously by anyone.










478: The Road Out

On this week’s episode of the Unnatural Selection Podcast we discuss a bunch of stuff:

  • Dan Andrews announces the roadmap out of coronavirus restrictions.
  • Jorge’s neighbours think he’s a sexist because he yells at his Google Home puck.
  • A more cautious reopening for Victoria, with KPI’s.
  • We’re gonna need some good reporting to make sure all of these things are clear.
  • Freedom Humpers Unite! Melbourne anti-lockdown protesters arrested.
  • Ballarat woman arrested for putting together an anti-lockdown protest on Facebook. The Right-Wing reacts really well.
  • Pick an island – any island, call it Freedom Island and let them all catch the virus. 
  • Speaking of Facebook, they’re firing shots at the ACCC.

The Unnatural Selection podcast is produced by Jorge Tsipos, Adam Direen and Tom Heath. Visit the Unnatural Selection website at www.UnnaturalShow.com for stuff and things.

The views expressed are those of the hosts and their guests and do not reflect those of any other entities. Unnatural Selection is a show made for comedic purposes and should not be taken seriously by anyone.










477: Bad Faith

On this week’s episode of the Unnatural Selection Podcast we discuss a bunch of stuff:

  • If you just read the headlines you would be terribly misinformed after this week.
  • Andrews government gets a one-off extension of their six month state of emergency – no thanks to the LNP.
  • You don’t need that many people to pump a conspiracy theory.
  • Do you know a conspiracy theorist who is promoting this ‘petition’?
  • The ring-wing echo chamber and how it is affecting the discourse.
  • Freedom Alliance Australia and the dozen other totally unaccountable organisations that are poisoning the discourse.
  • How do we stop further political polarising.
  • Can we harness the energy for collective action from coronavirus for other endeavours? 

The Unnatural Selection podcast is produced by Jorge Tsipos, Adam Direen and Tom Heath. Visit the Unnatural Selection website at www.UnnaturalShow.com for stuff and things.

The views expressed are those of the hosts and their guests and do not reflect those of any other entities. Unnatural Selection is a show made for comedic purposes and should not be taken seriously by anyone.










476: Google Doesn’t Want to Pay for News

On this week’s episode of the Unnatural Selection Podcast we discuss a bunch of stuff:

  • The boys reminisce on traditional media from when they last watched it… 15 years ago.
  • Google’s bad faith open letter criticising proposed changes by the ACCC.
  • Google Streisand Effect’s their own open letter. 
  • If we pay news organisations fairly, where does it end??
  • If the internet giants are going to eat traditional media, don’t they deserve some crumbs?
  • #DanLiedPeopleDied – The hashtag that is probably a disinformation campaign.

The Unnatural Selection podcast is produced by Jorge Tsipos, Adam Direen and Tom Heath. Visit the Unnatural Selection website at www.UnnaturalShow.com for stuff and things.

The views expressed are those of the hosts and their guests and do not reflect those of any other entities. Unnatural Selection is a show made for comedic purposes and should not be taken seriously by anyone.










475: Exhausted

On this week’s episode of the Unnatural Selection Podcast we discuss a bunch of stuff:

  • We are still in lockdown – it’s exhausting.
  • Zoom is fucking exhausting.
  • Should you dob on your neighbours? A study.
  • Are Tom’s neighbours artists or are they on meth? Why not both?
  • Russia announces a sweet as, totally real vaccine.
  • Belarus has an ‘election’ – dictator wins with 80% of the vote.
  • Why do dictator’s always give themselves insane margins?
  • Russia announces a coronavirus vaccine – whether it works or not!
  • Biden announces Kamala Harris as his VP.
  • Alan Jones can’t stop talking absolute shit about coronavirus and lockdowns on SkyNews.
  • How do you combat misinformation on the internet?
  • Why do people share unattributed information on social media?

The Unnatural Selection podcast is produced by Jorge Tsipos, Adam Direen and Tom Heath. Visit the Unnatural Selection website at www.UnnaturalShow.com for stuff and things.

The views expressed are those of the hosts and their guests and do not reflect those of any other entities. Unnatural Selection is a show made for comedic purposes and should not be taken seriously by anyone.










474: March 161st

On this week’s episode of the Unnatural Selection Podcast we discuss a bunch of stuff:

  • We are still in lockdown.
  • Now for the really important part – who’s fault is everything?
  • Federal LNP sticks the boot in to state Labor party for coronavirus handling.
  • Everyone’s a wizard with 2020 hindsight during this crisis.
  • The Beirut blast leaves over one hundred and forty dead and thousands injured.
  • How did the explosion in Lebanon happen and who’s responsible?
  • Ammonium nitrate and the failure of the free market.
  • Jonathan Swan’s Trump interview on Axios.
  • Trump moves to ban TickTok.
  • Who owns TikTok? Are there legit privacy concerns around using TikTok?

The Unnatural Selection podcast is produced by Jorge Tsipos, Adam Direen and Tom Heath. Visit the Unnatural Selection website at www.UnnaturalShow.com for stuff and things.

The views expressed are those of the hosts and their guests and do not reflect those of any other entities. Unnatural Selection is a show made for comedic purposes and should not be taken seriously by anyone.










473: Stage Four – This Time It’s Personal

On this week’s episode of the Unnatural Selection Podcast we discuss a bunch of stuff:

  • Melbourne goes into stage four lockdown. Learning from home and staying within a 5km radius of your house.
  • Queensland is ripe for a coronavirus comeback – especially with all the Melburnians that have escaped there.
  • We’ve created a system of casualised employment that has forced people to choose between self-isolating and having enough money for them to survive.
  • Stop looking for loophole restrictions, just listen to the restrictions.
  • Playing video games and looking for any source of relief as we move into March 154th.
  • JobKeeper and JobSeeker to start winding down in September – tightening the belt doesn’t seem like the right thing to be doing as we hit record numbers of COVID-19.
  • Trump floats the idea of casually undermining democracy.
  • “Don’t listen to what they say – watch what they do.”
  • Trump retweets a conspiracy theorist that agrees with him – the Right-Wing propaganda apparatus that feeds itself.

The Unnatural Selection podcast is produced by Jorge Tsipos, Adam Direen and Tom Heath. Visit the Unnatural Selection website at www.UnnaturalShow.com for stuff and things.

The views expressed are those of the hosts and their guests and do not reflect those of any other entities. Unnatural Selection is a show made for comedic purposes and should not be taken seriously by anyone.










472: Mask-wearing and ‘muh rights’

On this week’s episode of the Unnatural Selection Podcast we discuss a bunch of stuff:

  • Mandatory mask wearing as Victorian coronavirus cases rise. Some Karens are VERY not stoked about it.
  • The boys dissect a video from Victoria of a woman badgering the police that are trying to get her to wear a mask.
  • Hilarity not guaranteed. Depression? Almost certainly. 
  • If you film it yourself, are you definitely the good guy?
  • Experts are a thing – your feelings are not facts.
  • States of emergency give cops a lot of power. This woman is not the person to have it.
  • Alan Jones and the fire-hose of disinformation that he’s providing via Sky News.

The Unnatural Selection podcast is produced by Jorge Tsipos, Adam Direen and Tom Heath. Visit the Unnatural Selection website at www.UnnaturalShow.com for stuff and things.

The views expressed are those of the hosts and their guests and do not reflect those of any other entities. Unnatural Selection is a show made for comedic purposes and should not be taken seriously by anyone.










471: Get Me Roger Stone… Out Of Jail

On this week’s episode of the Unnatural Selection Podcast we discuss a bunch of stuff:

  • Mandatory mask wearing as Victorian coronavirus cases rise.
  • Are the same people that are raging over face-masks the same ones that were in favour of conscription.
  • The piss-pants/mask analogy.
  • Masks are to protect people FROM you – not really FOR you, so much. All of a sudden, nobody’s interested.
  • Gough Whitlam and the governor general letters.
  • Get Me Roger Stone… from jail. Trump commute’s Roger’s sentence, so the pod does a bit of a deep dive into his past to see what this actually means.
  • America takes another step towards back-sliding out of democracy with Trump’s commutation. 
  • Portland mayor pushes back against federal agents in his city.

The Unnatural Selection podcast is produced by Jorge Tsipos, Adam Direen and Tom Heath. Visit the Unnatural Selection website at www.UnnaturalShow.com for stuff and things.

The views expressed are those of the hosts and their guests and do not reflect those of any other entities. Unnatural Selection is a show made for comedic purposes and should not be taken seriously by anyone.








