474: March 161st

On this week’s episode of the Unnatural Selection Podcast we discuss a bunch of stuff:

  • We are still in lockdown.
  • Now for the really important part – who’s fault is everything?
  • Federal LNP sticks the boot in to state Labor party for coronavirus handling.
  • Everyone’s a wizard with 2020 hindsight during this crisis.
  • The Beirut blast leaves over one hundred and forty dead and thousands injured.
  • How did the explosion in Lebanon happen and who’s responsible?
  • Ammonium nitrate and the failure of the free market.
  • Jonathan Swan’s Trump interview on Axios.
  • Trump moves to ban TickTok.
  • Who owns TikTok? Are there legit privacy concerns around using TikTok?

The Unnatural Selection podcast is produced by Jorge Tsipos, Adam Direen and Tom Heath. Visit the Unnatural Selection website at www.UnnaturalShow.com for stuff and things.

The views expressed are those of the hosts and their guests and do not reflect those of any other entities. Unnatural Selection is a show made for comedic purposes and should not be taken seriously by anyone.










473: Stage Four – This Time It’s Personal

On this week’s episode of the Unnatural Selection Podcast we discuss a bunch of stuff:

  • Melbourne goes into stage four lockdown. Learning from home and staying within a 5km radius of your house.
  • Queensland is ripe for a coronavirus comeback – especially with all the Melburnians that have escaped there.
  • We’ve created a system of casualised employment that has forced people to choose between self-isolating and having enough money for them to survive.
  • Stop looking for loophole restrictions, just listen to the restrictions.
  • Playing video games and looking for any source of relief as we move into March 154th.
  • JobKeeper and JobSeeker to start winding down in September – tightening the belt doesn’t seem like the right thing to be doing as we hit record numbers of COVID-19.
  • Trump floats the idea of casually undermining democracy.
  • “Don’t listen to what they say – watch what they do.”
  • Trump retweets a conspiracy theorist that agrees with him – the Right-Wing propaganda apparatus that feeds itself.

The Unnatural Selection podcast is produced by Jorge Tsipos, Adam Direen and Tom Heath. Visit the Unnatural Selection website at www.UnnaturalShow.com for stuff and things.

The views expressed are those of the hosts and their guests and do not reflect those of any other entities. Unnatural Selection is a show made for comedic purposes and should not be taken seriously by anyone.










472: Mask-wearing and ‘muh rights’

On this week’s episode of the Unnatural Selection Podcast we discuss a bunch of stuff:

  • Mandatory mask wearing as Victorian coronavirus cases rise. Some Karens are VERY not stoked about it.
  • The boys dissect a video from Victoria of a woman badgering the police that are trying to get her to wear a mask.
  • Hilarity not guaranteed. Depression? Almost certainly. 
  • If you film it yourself, are you definitely the good guy?
  • Experts are a thing – your feelings are not facts.
  • States of emergency give cops a lot of power. This woman is not the person to have it.
  • Alan Jones and the fire-hose of disinformation that he’s providing via Sky News.

The Unnatural Selection podcast is produced by Jorge Tsipos, Adam Direen and Tom Heath. Visit the Unnatural Selection website at www.UnnaturalShow.com for stuff and things.

The views expressed are those of the hosts and their guests and do not reflect those of any other entities. Unnatural Selection is a show made for comedic purposes and should not be taken seriously by anyone.










471: Get Me Roger Stone… Out Of Jail

On this week’s episode of the Unnatural Selection Podcast we discuss a bunch of stuff:

  • Mandatory mask wearing as Victorian coronavirus cases rise.
  • Are the same people that are raging over face-masks the same ones that were in favour of conscription.
  • The piss-pants/mask analogy.
  • Masks are to protect people FROM you – not really FOR you, so much. All of a sudden, nobody’s interested.
  • Gough Whitlam and the governor general letters.
  • Get Me Roger Stone… from jail. Trump commute’s Roger’s sentence, so the pod does a bit of a deep dive into his past to see what this actually means.
  • America takes another step towards back-sliding out of democracy with Trump’s commutation. 
  • Portland mayor pushes back against federal agents in his city.

The Unnatural Selection podcast is produced by Jorge Tsipos, Adam Direen and Tom Heath. Visit the Unnatural Selection website at www.UnnaturalShow.com for stuff and things.

The views expressed are those of the hosts and their guests and do not reflect those of any other entities. Unnatural Selection is a show made for comedic purposes and should not be taken seriously by anyone.










470: The Lockdown, Part 2

On this week’s episode of the Unnatural Selection Podcast we discuss a bunch of stuff:

  • The panic buying has started again in lockdown 2.0
  • #DictatorDan trending – Dan Andrews cannot cop a break.
  • Hard lockdown at the public housing towers in Melbourne draw criticism.
  • Turns out Andrew Bolt has no clue what he’s talking about.
  • KFC Order results in 26K lockdown fines in Dandenong.
  • The weird world of US Army Twitch streaming recruiters.
  • Is it ethical to recruit gamer kids for the military?
  • Kanye West to run for president 2020.

The Unnatural Selection podcast is produced by Jorge Tsipos, Adam Direen and Tom Heath. Visit the Unnatural Selection website at www.UnnaturalShow.com for stuff and things.

The views expressed are those of the hosts and their guests and do not reflect those of any other entities. Unnatural Selection is a show made for comedic purposes and should not be taken seriously by anyone.










469: Fire-hose of Cash

On this week’s episode of the Unnatural Selection Podcast we discuss a bunch of stuff:

  • Tom’s raised some money for The Globe theatre in London – #GamingfortheGlobe. Follow him on Twitter at @TomDHeath for more info and a chance to donate.
  • Maneater: a long and bloody story.
  • Victorian hard lock-downs for 9 public housing estates.
  • Australian Gov to spend an extra $270 bil on the military over ten years for reasons.
  • Lets just throw some zeros at it. What military industrial complex?
  • F-35’s and the future of overspending on military projects, arms races always end well.
  • Remember when world war three nearly happened this year?
  • Iran issues an arrest warrant for assassination of general.
  • Whichever side you’re on, you’re getting your ass handed to you at the next election.

The Unnatural Selection podcast is produced by Jorge Tsipos, Adam Direen and Tom Heath. Visit the Unnatural Selection website at www.UnnaturalShow.com for stuff and things.

The views expressed are those of the hosts and their guests and do not reflect those of any other entities. Unnatural Selection is a show made for comedic purposes and should not be taken seriously by anyone.










468: Active Measures

On this week’s episode of the Unnatural Selection Podcast we discuss a bunch of stuff:

  • Tom’s raised some money for The Globe theatre in London – #GamingfortheGlobe. Follow him on Twitter at @TomDHeath for more info and a chance to donate.
  • COVIDSafe App leaves much to be desired.
  • Issues with iPhone and maintaining an active connection at all times.
  • No cases have been discovered via COVIDSafe alone.
  • NYT: Russia Secretly Offered Afghan Militants Bounties to Kill U.S. Troops, Intelligence Says.
  • Remember in May when Trump was trying to get Russia back into the G8?
  • Active Measures – what does it mean and how is Russia utilizing them right now.

The Unnatural Selection podcast is produced by Jorge Tsipos, Adam Direen and Tom Heath. Visit the Unnatural Selection website at www.UnnaturalShow.com for stuff and things.

The views expressed are those of the hosts and their guests and do not reflect those of any other entities. Unnatural Selection is a show made for comedic purposes and should not be taken seriously by anyone.










467: The One Where They Talk About Humanities Degrees

On this week’s episode of the Unnatural Selection Podcast we discuss a bunch of stuff:

  •  Tom’s raising some money for The Globe theatre in London. Follow him on Twitter at @TomDHeath for more info.
  • The LNP wants to ‘reform’ higher education for the worse.
  • Easy way to attract people to a career? Raise the wages, which you control.
  • The government doesn’t know what’s going to happen with job needs in the future.
  • There’s more to an education than economic output.
  • Turns out high-level cognition is actually important for the jobs of the future.
  • It’s not fair to lay a literal child up with debt that they will bear the burden of for decades.
  • STEM doesn’t even beat humanities on the economics.
  • Some more Trump stuff.

The Unnatural Selection podcast is produced by Jorge Tsipos, Adam Direen and Tom Heath. Visit the Unnatural Selection website at www.UnnaturalShow.com for stuff and things.

The views expressed are those of the hosts and their guests and do not reflect those of any other entities. Unnatural Selection is a show made for comedic purposes and should not be taken seriously by anyone.










466: 2020 Has Too Many Plot-lines

On this week’s episode of the Unnatural Selection Podcast we discuss a bunch of stuff:

  • Adam’s new webcam is the top story.
  • Why introduce the murder hornets if you’re not even going to use them??
  • Poll: Will Trump leave office voluntarily if he loses the 2020 election?
  • Anyone can say they’re ANTIFA. That’s the point of ANTIFA.
  • What does ‘defund the police’ actually mean?
  • Trump tweets.
  • Defeating Trump has to be the number one focus for Democrats this November. Anything else is noise.
  • Why American’s don’t trust the media. It’s totally fragmented.
  • Permission structures in relation to ScoMo and 5g.
  • How does racism in policing actually work? It’s not how you think.
  • China issues a travel advisory to students wanting to head back to Australia to study… and it could bankrupt our education system.

The Unnatural Selection podcast is produced by Jorge Tsipos, Adam Direen and Tom Heath. Visit the Unnatural Selection website at www.UnnaturalShow.com for stuff and things.

The views expressed are those of the hosts and their guests and do not reflect those of any other entities. Unnatural Selection is a show made for comedic purposes and should not be taken seriously by anyone.










465: Slide to Autocracy

President Donald Trump holds a Bible as he visits outside St. John’s Church across Lafayette Park from the White House Monday, June 1, 2020, in Washington. Park of the church was set on fire during protests on Sunday night. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)

On this week’s episode of the Unnatural Selection Podcast we discuss a bunch of stuff:

  • George Floyd protests continue into their 2nd week.
  • The media wants to show you dramatic chaos – if it bleeds it leads.
  • Citizen journalists are actually useful in this situation.
  • Buffalo PD assault a citizen, he gets a head injury, and then they say he tripped.
  • Buffalo squad resigns in protest… for the worst possible reasons.
  • Actionable stuff from Campaign Zero and the #8cantwait campaign.
  • The State’s monopoly on violence is important, it needs to be earned.
  • Elmo’s dad teaches him about racism and protest.
  • Indigenous deaths in custody are acknowledged in Australia, but they’re never a priority.
  • Australian BLM protests in Melbourne/Sydney.
  • Sydney police try to extract some retribution on protests against police brutality… with a little police brutality.
  • Protesting in a pandemic – the risk of a second wave of infections is very real.
  • Places to donate

The Unnatural Selection podcast is produced by Jorge Tsipos, Adam Direen and Tom Heath. Visit the Unnatural Selection website at www.UnnaturalShow.com for stuff and things.

The views expressed are those of the hosts and their guests and do not reflect those of any other entities. Unnatural Selection is a show made for comedic purposes and should not be taken seriously by anyone.








